Monday, May 23, 2011

Unit 4 - Adding and Subtracting

Summary of Knwledge:
Our goal is that students will learn how to add and subtract positive and negative numbers. Learn how to do algorithms for calcualete the sum and differences, and how to use a number line to help the adding and subtracting.

Key Vocabulary:
Commutative Property:
The order of the addition or multiplication of two numbers does not change the result.

Absolute Vlue: the absolute value of a numbers is the distance from zero on a number line. Simbolysed by (n).

Task Analysis:
1. See if the numbers are negative or positive.
2. See were are the numbers are located in number line.
3. convetr 2 doble sign numbers to just one sign.
+ + = +
+ - = -
- + =-
- - = +
4. Count the numbers of spaces if is adding to the right and to left is subtracting.


Ading and Subtracting Quiz » quiz
Video Exapmles:

Images that will help you!!!
How to change double sign to a
simple sign.

Helpful Web Pages:

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